Kitty International Preschool/Kindergarten & English Classes for Children!

Kitty International Preschool/Kindergarten

We are a preschool & kindergarten where children come to learn in an English environment and build a strong foundation for life through intellectual education, physical education, music, fine arts, and learning life skills. We created a place to obtain these necessary experiences while keeping in consideration a student's home environment, developmental stages, situations, as well as their individual feelings.

English Classes

Kitty International School offers classes for a wide range of ages starting with our Kira-Kira lessons for mothers and babies through advanced high school discussion-based classes.

Our teachers are from countries around the world including the United States, England, Australia and more! We have chosen them for their love of sharing English and teaching.

Come learn English with us and explore cultures from around the world!

2016-2017 STUDENT SCHOLARSHIP: Please Click Here

Preschool: 1-3 years old
Kindergarten: 3-6 years old
ESL classes: 4-15 years old

Please click the School Policy and School Program for more information!

Teacher's Corner:

Hello everyone! Hope everyone is staying warm this winter. Students have done a great job sharing what they got for Christmas as well as how they celebrated the new year.

The holidays may be over, but there's still lots to look forward to at Kitty! We hope to see you there soon!

- Paul
Kitty Blog! (Japanese)

Check out your YouTube channel for more fun videos!

Children of Kitty Club